Computer Science
Thestudentswill beable to learnthefollowingafterthecompletion ofthe course:
Course Code |
CourseName |
1. |
CC-1A |
Problem Solvingusing Computer |
CO1 |
Acquiring fundamental knowledge about Computers, organization of the Computer System and its components (such as CPU, Memory etc.). |
CO2 |
Understanding the concept of problem solving and learning the strategies involved in systematic problem solving anddocumentation. |
CO3 |
Learning about various techniques of problem solvingandprogrammingmethodologies(such as top-down, bottom-up). |
CO4 |
Understandingthefundamentalconceptsof programming in Python. |
CO5 |
Developing skills to solve simple problems using problem solving strategies and programming in Python. |
Course |
CourseOutcome |
Course Code |
CourseName |
2. |
CC-1B |
Database Management Systems |
CO1 |
Realizing the characteristics of database, data models and the architecture of database systems. |
CO2 |
Learning Entity Relationship Modelling to analyze database by means of visual representation. |
CO3 |
LearningRelational modelconcepts,relational constraints and relational algebra. |
CO4 |
Understanding functional dependencies and normalizing database to understand its internal structure. |
CO5 |
Developing the abilityto store and handle data efficiently by understanding the structure of databasestorageandvariousaccesstechniques using SQL. |
Course |
Course Code |
CourseName |
CourseOutcome |
3. |
CC-1C |
Operating Systems |
CO1 |
Understanding the organization of the Operating System and its role in managing the interaction and operation of the various components of a computer system. |
CO2 |
Understanding the concept of Process in OS andtheprocessmanagementissueshandledby the OS such as process scheduling and deadlock. |
CO3 |
Understanding the concepts associated with memorymanagementstrategiesoftheOSsuch as paging, segmentation etc. and virtual memory. |
CO4 |
To be familiar with the basic concepts of Shell and learning Shell programming in order to solve simple problems. |
4. |
SEC-1 |
Office Automation Tools |
CO1 |
Getting hands on experience with word processing, data management andpreparing presentations using the MS-Officeapplications. |
CO2 |
LearningtheuseofMSWordforformatting text, pages, lists, tables. |
CO3 |
Learning the spreadsheets for formatting data, creating charts and graphs, using formulas and functions, macros, pivot table. |
CO4 |
Learning to create presentations, Adding and formatting text, pictures, graphic objects, including charts, objects, formatting slides, notes, hand-outs, slide shows, usingtransitions, animations. |
Course |
CourseOutcome |
Course Code |
Course Name |
5. |
CC-1D |
Computer System Architecture |
CO1 |
Introducing the hardware design and operation of digital circuits (sequential and combinational). |
CO2 |
Learningtheorganizationandarchitectureof Central Processing Unit. |
CO3 |
Learningtheorganizationandarchitectureof Input/output Unit. |
CO4 |
Developing the skills to write Assembly Language Programming to perform simple operations. |
CO5 |
Having the complete understanding of the architecture of a basic computer system andthe coordination between its various components. |
6. |
SEC-2 |
HTML Programming |
CO1 |
Learning the basics of HTML programming, creating the head and body of a web page and assigning different attributes to it. |
CO2 |
Learning to incorporate relative and absolute links in a web page and assigning various attributes to it. |
CO3 |
Learning to incorporate images in a web page and using them as background or links. |
CO4 |
Learningtocreatetables,formsandstyling them and assigning different attributes. |
CO5 |
Learning to create web pages and applications using basic HTML programming. |
Course |
Course Code |
CourseName |
CourseOutcome |
7. |
DSE-1A |
Programming in Java |
CO1 |
Introducing the architecture and features of JAVA in order to differentiate between previouslylearnedProgramminglanguages andJava. |
CO2 |
Learning the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (such as Classes, Inheritance, Interfaces etc.). |
CO3 |
Developing the ability to apply ObjectOriented Programming concepts to solve problems using JAVA. |
CO4 |
Learning about various exceptions one might encounter while running a Java program and the techniques used to handle them. |
CO5 |
Designing Applet and event handling mechanisms in programs. |
8. |
SEC-3 |
CO1 |
Learning SQL Commands and Data types, Operators and Expressions and the differences between SQL and SQL* Plus. |
CO2 |
Learningtocreatetables,manipulatethetables (including constraints) and use Data Manipulation Commands. |
CO3 |
Learning the use of SELECT command using special operators such as IN, ANY, ALL BETWEEN etc. |
CO4 |
Learningtransactioncontrolstatementssuch as Commit,Rollback,Savepoint etc. |
CO5 |
Learning PL/SQL block structure and LanguageconstructofPL/SQL(Variables,Basic and Composite Data types. |
Course |
Course Code |
CourseName |
CourseOutcome |
9. |
DSE-1B |
Computer Networks |
CO1 |
To be familiar with the basic concepts of ComputerNetworkingsuchaslayerednetwork architecture, network topologies, OSIreference model and TCP/IP protocol suite. |
CO2 |
Learning the fundamental concepts and techniques involved in the transmission of digital data between two machines. |
CO3 |
Understanding various routing protocols governing the transmission of data across each layer of the network architecture. |
CO4 |
Understanding various error control protocols that detect or prevent erroneous transmissionof data across the layers of the network architecture. |
CO5 |
Developing the skills to analyze and simulate the aforementioned protocols in any programing language. |
10. |
SEC-4 |
PHP Programming |
CO1 |
Learning the basic concepts of PHP Programming such as syntax, variables, operators etc. |
CO2 |
Learning to handle HTML form with PHP, usingGET and POST form methodsanddealing with multi value fields. |
CO3 |
Learning to use conditional control statements and loops (including nested loops) in PHP. |
CO4 |
Learning to create functions using Default Arguments in Function and Function arguments with call by value, call by reference. |
CO5 |
Learning String manipulation using various inbuilt functions and using arrays with useful Library function |