B.COM (HONS) Programme
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe financial accountingand to impart skills for recording various kinds of Businesstransactions.
CO:2:The learners will come to know the nature of financial accounting principles- conceptand conventions, financial accountingstandard.
CO:3:This course enables the students to prepare accounts from incomplete records,preparationofadjustmentaccountsand consignmentaccounting.
CO:5:The outcome of this course is the students will be able to prepare insurance claim forloss ofstockandforlossofprofit
CO:1Thecourseprovides the student with an understanding of basic managementconcepts,principlesandpractices.
CO:2:Through this course students will gather knowledge about evolution of managementthought, Classical approach ,Neo Classical approach, Human Relation approach, Systemapproach,Contingency approach, etc.
CO:1:Thiscoursefamiliarizethestudentswiththebasicmathematicaltoolsandwithanemphasisonapplicationstobusiness andeconomic situations .
CO:1:This Course acquaints the students with basic concepts used in cost accounting ,variousmethodsinvolvedincostascertainmentandcostaccountingbookkeepingsystem.
CO:2:This course provides basic concepts and processes used to determine product costsand abletointerpretcostaccountingstatements.
CO:3:ThroughthiscourseStudentswillbeabletoanalyseandevaluateinformationforcostascertainment,costplanning,control anddecisionmaking.
CO:1:Thiscourse imparts basic knowledge of the important business legislation along withrelevant caselaw
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding the Indian Contract Act ,1872, generalprincipaloflawofcontract andspecific contract
CO:3:ThecourseenablesthestudentstoknowtheSalesOf GoodsAct,1930.
CO:4:This course provides the knowledge regarding Partnership Laws and also TheNegotiableInstrumentsAct, 1881.
CO:1:Thiscoursefamiliarizethestudentswiththebasic statisticaltoolswithanemphasisonapplicationstobusinessandeconomicsituations.
CO:2: This paper imparts knowledge on Measures of Central Tendency, Measures ofDispersion and Shape,Corelationand Regression Analysis.
CO:3:Through this paper Students will get a clear concept and idea on Index Numbers andTime SeriesAnalysis.
CO:1:The course provide computer skills and knowledge for commerce students and toenhance the student understands of usefulness of information technology tools for businessoperations
CO:2:This coursehelp students learn the concepts, vocabulary and procedures associatedwith E-Commerce andtheInternet.
CO:3:ThiscourseprovidesknowledgetothestudentsonComputerBasics,NumberSystemand Binary Arithmetic andLogicGates.
CO:4:ThroughthiscoursethestudentsgetacquaintedwithInternetanditsApplicationsandalso getknowledgeon Data BaseManagement System(DBMS).
CO:1:The outcome of the course is that the student will be able to know different methodsand techniques involved in cost ascertainment such as Job Costing, Batch Costing, ContractCostingandProcess Costing(includingjointproductand by-product)
CO:2: It enables the students to evaluate information for cost planning, control and decisionmakingbygettingknowledgeon Standard Costing andMarginalCosting.
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe financial accounting and to impart skills for recording various kinds ofBusiness transactions.
CO:2:Through this course the students are able to prepare different kinds of accounts suchas Higher purchase and Instalments System, Branches and Departmental Accounts , Royaltyaccounting,etc.
CO:3:This course provides knowledge to the learners regarding Partnership Accounts relatingtodissolution offirm.
CO:1:This course provides knowledge to the learners regarding E-Commerce, differentmodelsofit,forcesbehind E-commerce-governance and itsimpacton society.
CO:1:Thiscourseisto acquaintthestudentswiththebasicprinciples ofeconomics.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge to the students about Demand-supply framework andEquilibrium.
CO:3:Through this course the students will get idea and concept on Production and Costfunctionas wellasmarketstructure.
CO:4:This course is to acquaint the students with the Income Distribution and Factor Pricingandthestudentslearnabout SelectedMacroeconomicPrinciples.
CO:1:This course enables the student to grasp the major economic problems in India andtheirsolution.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding basic issues in Economic Development,PolicyRegimes, Growth ,DevelopmentandStructuralChange.
CO:3:It enables the students to know about Sectoral Trends and Issues such as AgriculturalSector, Industry andServiceSectorandalsoinFinancialSector.
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe corporate accounting and to impart skills for recording various kinds ofCorporate transactions.
CO:2:This paper imparts knowledge about the accounting for share capital and debenturesandfinal accountandvaluationofsharesandgoodwill.
CO:3:This paper enables the students to get an idea about Internal & externalreconstruction ofcompanies, accountsofholdingcompanies.
CO:1:This course provide basic knowledge of concepts, principles, tools and techniques ofMarketingandHumanResource management.
CO:3: This course enables the students to know emerging challenges of Human ResourceManagement, WorkForceDiversity,Empowerment,Downsizing.
CO:1:It helps to orient the learner towards entrepreneurship as a career option, creativethinkingandbehaviour.
CO:2:This course enables the students to get a knowledge about the meaning, scope ,elements, roleofentrepreneurship
CO:3:It provides knowledge about Dimension of entrepreneurship and also the Role ofGovernmentandInstitutionsinEntrepreneurshipDevelopment.
CO:4:Through this paper students get to know about different forms of entrepreneurship-Micro ,SmallandMedium enterprises,women entrepreneurship
CO:1:This course imparts basic knowledge of the important corporate legislations along withrelevant caselaws.
CO:2:This course enables the students to get an idea and concept about a Company ,Formationofa CompanyandCompany Administration.
CO:3: Through this course students acquire knowledge about Share Capital and DebentureandCorporateMeetings.
CO:1:ItprovidesbasicknowledgeandequipstudentswithapplicationofprinciplesandprovisionsofIncome-taxAct, 1961.
CO:2:ItprovidesbasicknowledgeonconceptsaboutIncomeTaxregardingbasicideas,totalincome andagriculturalincome
CO:3:Thispaperenablesthestudentstocomputetaxableincomeunderthehead“Salary”,“HouseProperty”andalso “Profitsand GainsofBusinessandProfession”.
CO:1:It provides knowledge of auditing principles, procedures and techniques in accordancewith currentlegalrequirements andprofessionalstandards .
CO:2:This paper enables the students to get an idea about basic concepts, classification ofaudit and also to know the concepts about vouching and Verification of Assets andLiabilities.
CO:3:This course provides knowledge regarding audit of companies under the companiesAct 2013, And divisible profit and dividend with special reference to depreciation , provisionandreserve.
CO:4:Through this paper the students will come to know the different types of audit reportand certificates.
CO:5:This course familiarize the students with various institutional audit and also inculcatesthestudents withspecialareas of audit.
CO:1:This paper impart the students, knowledge about the use of financial, cost and otherdataforthepurposeofmanagerialplanning,control anddecisionmaking.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding definition, objective scope, functions,advantages,limitations,techniques ofmanagement accounting.
CO:3:This paper enables the students to get an idea about the role of managementaccountant.
CO:4:This course familiarize the students with comparative financial statement andcommon sizefinancialstatement.
CO:5:Through this paper the students will come to know about the concept of ratio analysiscash flow statement as per Indian Accounting Standard(Ind-AS):7,Budget and BudgetaryControl.
CO:2:ThestudentsgettoknowaboutBanking,BankerCustomerRelationship,TypesofDeposits,StructureofIndianBanking atpresent.
CO:4:Through this paper the students will come to know about basic concepts of risk : TypesofBusinessRisks,Basicprinciplesofutmostgood faith,Indemnity,andTypes ofInsurance.
CO:5:ThiscoursefamiliarizethestudentswithPower,functionandRoleofIRDA,OnlineInsuranceandRecentReforms inInsuranceSectorsinIndia.
CO:2:This course familiarize the students with major financial services in IndiaCO:3:Through this paper the students will come to know about Leasing and Hire PurchasePAPER:DSE-2B(ADVERTISING)
CO:1:Itfamiliarizethestudentswiththebasicconcepts,toolsandtechniquesofadvertisingused inmarketing.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding Communication process , Types ofAdvertising,Settingof AdvertisingBudget,DeterminantsandMajorMethods.
CO:3:Through this paper the students will come to know about Media Decisions, MessageDevelopment,MeasuringAdvertisingEffectivenessandalsoaboutAdvertisingAgency.
CO:2:Thiscourseprovidesknowledgeregardingmeaningcoreelements,Objectives,andScopes offinancialManagement
CO:3:Through this paper the students will come to know the role of financial manager ,Concept of TimeValue ofMoney,andalsoTechniques fordealing withTime Value ofMoney.
CO:4:The Course Enable the students to know about Sources of Finance, Cost of Capital andCapitalStructureAnalysis.
CO:5: This Course acquaints the student with knowledge of Capital Budgeting Decision,WorkingCapitalManagementandDividendDecisions.
CO:1:It provides basic knowledge and equip students with application of principles andprovisionsofIncome-taxAct, 1961andGST.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding income of other Persons included inAssessee’s, Setoffand Carryforwardof Lossesu/s 71B,72,73,74,74A.
CO:3:This Course acquaints the student with knowledge about Deduction from Gross TotalIncomeu/s80C,80CCC,80CCD,80CCE,80DD,80D,80DDB,80E,80G,80GGC,80TTA,80Uand
CO:1:Thiscoursefamiliarizesthestudentwiththedifferentinvestmentalternatives,introduce them to the framework of their analysis and valuation and highlight the role ofinvestorprotection.
CO:2:ThiscourseprovidesknowledgeregardingFixedIncomeSecurities:Conceptandfeaturesofbond,TypesofBond ,estimating Bond yields,BondRisks
CO:1:It provides basic knowledgeabout business tax procedures and management underdifferentprovisions oftheIncometax.
CO:2:This course enable the students to know about Tax Planning , Tax Evasion and TaxAvoidance.
CO:3:This impart knowledge to the learners regarding Tax Management – PAN and TAN,various types of Income Tax Returns, Advance Payments of Tax; Tax Deduction/ Collection atSource.
CO:1:Itenablethestudentstoacquiretheconcept,importanceanddynamicsofinternationalbusinessandIndia’sinvolvementwith globalbusiness.
CO:2:Thecoursealsoseekstoprovidetheoreticalfoundationsofinternationalbusinesstotheextentthese arerelevanttothe globalbusinessoperationsanddevelopments.
CO:3: This course impart knowledge to the learners regarding International organisation andArrangementsuchasWTO,UNCTAD,OPEC,IMFand World Bank&ASEANand SAARC.
CO:4:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquireknowledge about ExportPromotionMeasureincludingSpecialEconomicZones(SEZs)andExportOrientedUnits(EOUs)
CO:1:Through this paper the Students get acquainted with Practical Knowledge aboutcollection of Data : Primary (collected from Field Survey ) and Secondary (available frompublished sources).
CO:2:This course helps the students acquire practical and theatrical knowledge aboutcreation,designingandformationofproject.
B.COM (GENERAL ) Programme
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe financial accounting and to impart skills for recording various kinds of Businesstransactions.
CO:2:The learners will come to know the nature of financial accounting principles- conceptand conventions,financial accountingstandard.
CO:3:Thiscourseenablesthestudentstoprepareaccountsfromincompleterecords,preparationofadjustmentaccountsand consignmentaccounting.
CO:5:The outcome of this course is the students will be able to prepare insurance claim forloss ofstockandforlossofprofit
CO:1Thecourseprovides the student with an understanding of basic managementconcepts,principlesandpractices.
CO:2:Through this course students will gather knowledge about evolution of managementthought, Classical approach ,Neo Classical approach, Human Relation approach, Systemapproach,Contingency approach, etc.
CO:1:Thiscourseisto acquaintthe studentswiththebasicprinciples of economics.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge to the students about Demand-supply framework andEquilibrium.
CO:3:Through this course the students will get idea and concept on Production and Costfunctionas wellasmarketstructure.
CO:4:This course is to acquaint the students with the Income Distribution and Factor Pricingandthestudentslearnabout SelectedMacroeconomicPrinciples.
CO:1:Thiscourse imparts basic knowledge of the important business legislation along withrelevant caselaw
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding the Indian Contract Act ,1872, generalprincipaloflawofcontract andspecific contract
CO:3:ThecourseenablesthestudentstoknowtheSalesOf GoodsAct,1930.
CO:4:This course provides the knowledge regarding Partnership Laws and also TheNegotiableInstrumentsAct, 1881.
CO:1:This Course acquaints the students with basic concepts used in cost accounting ,variousmethodsinvolvedincostascertainmentandcostaccountingbookkeepingsystem.
CO:2:This course provides basic concepts and processes used to determine product costsand abletointerpretcostaccountingstatements.
CO:3:Through this course Students will be able to analyse and evaluate information for costascertainment,costplanning, control anddecisionmaking.
CO:1:The outcome of the course is that the student will be able to know different methodsand techniques involved in cost ascertainment such as Job Costing, Batch Costing, ContractCostingandProcess Costing(includingjointproductand by-product)
CO:2: It enables the students to evaluate information for cost planning, control and decisionmakingbygettingknowledgeon Standard CostingandMarginalCosting.
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe financial accounting and to impart skills for recording various kinds of Businesstransactions.
CO:2:Through this course the students are able to prepare different kinds of accounts suchas Higher purchase and Instalments System, Branches and Departmental Accounts , Royaltyaccounting,etc.
CO:3:This course provides knowledge to the learnersregardingPartnership Accounts relatingtodissolution offirm.
CO:1:This course provides knowledge to the learners regarding E-Commerce, differentmodelsofit,forcesbehind E-commerce-governance and itsimpacton society.
CO:1:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire conceptual knowledge ofthe corporate accountingand to impart skills for recording various kinds ofCorporatetransactions.
CO:2:This paper imparts knowledge about the accounting for share capital and debenturesandfinal accountandvaluation ofsharesandgood will.
CO:3:This paper enables the students to get an idea about Internal & externalreconstruction ofcompanies, accountsofholdingcompanies.
CO:1:This course imparts basic knowledge of the important corporate legislations along withrelevant caselaws.
CO:2:This course enables the students to get an idea and concept about a Company ,Formationofa CompanyandCompany Administration.
CO:3: Through this course students acquire knowledge about Share Capital and DebentureandCorporate Meetings.
CO:1:The course provide computer skills and knowledge for commerce students and toenhance the student understands of usefulness of information technology tools for businessoperations
CO:2:This coursehelp students learn the concepts, vocabulary and procedures associatedwith E-Commerce andtheInternet.
CO:3:ThiscourseprovidesknowledgetothestudentsonComputerBasics,NumberSystemand Binary Arithmetic andLogicGates.
CO:4:Through this course the students get acquainted with Internet and its Applications andalso getknowledgeon Data BaseManagement System(DBMS).
CO:1:It helps to orient the learner towards entrepreneurship as a career option, creativethinkingandbehaviour.
CO:2:This course enables the students to get a knowledge about the meaning, scope ,elements, roleofentrepreneurship
CO:3:It provides knowledge about Dimension of entrepreneurship and also the Role ofGovernmentandInstitutionsinEntrepreneurshipDevelopment.
CO:4:Through this paper students get to know about different forms of entrepreneurship-Micro ,SmallandMedium enterprises,women entrepreneurship
CO:5:This paper enables the students to know Sources of business ideas and test offeasibilityandalsotomobilisetheresources.
CO:1:ItprovidesbasicknowledgeandequipstudentswithapplicationofprinciplesandprovisionsofIncome-taxAct, 1961.
CO:2:ItprovidesbasicknowledgeonconceptsaboutIncomeTaxregardingbasicideas,totalincome andagriculturalincome
CO:1:It provides knowledge of auditing principles, procedures and techniques in accordancewith currentlegalrequirements andprofessionalstandards .
CO:2:This paper enables the students to get an idea about basic concepts, classification ofaudit and also to know the concepts about vouching and Verification of Assets andLiabilities.
CO:3:This course provides knowledge regarding audit of companies under the companiesAct 2013, And divisible profit and dividend with special reference to depreciation , provisionandreserve.
CO:4:Throughthispaperthestudentswillcometoknowthedifferenttypesofauditreportand certificates.
CO:5:This course familiarize the students with various institutional audit and also inculcatesthestudents withspecialareas of audit.
CO:1:This paper impart the students, knowledge about the use of financial, cost and otherdataforthepurposeofmanagerialplanning,control anddecisionmaking.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding definition, objective scope, functions,advantages,limitations,techniquesofmanagement accounting.
CO:3:This paper enables the students to get an idea about the role of managementaccounting.
CO:4:This course familiarize the students with comparative financial statement andcommon sizefinancialstatement.
CO:5:Through this paper the students will come to know about the concept of ratio analysiscash flow statement as per Indian Accounting Standard(Ind-AS):7,Budget and BudgetaryControl.
CO:1:This course provide basic knowledge of concepts, principles, tools and techniques ofMarketing management.
CO:2:Thispaperenablesthestudentstoknowtheconsumer behaviour,marketingresearch.
CO:4:This course provides the student about a basic knowledge ofPricing , Policies andStrategies,Distribution ChannelsandPhysicalDistribution.
CO:2:This course familiarize the students with major financial services in IndiaCO:3:Through this paper the students will come to know about Leasing and Hire PurchasePAPERDSE-2B:(FUNDAMENTALSOFHUMANRESOURCE MANAGEMENT)
CO:1:This course provides basic knowledge of concepts, principles, tools and techniques ofHuman Resourcemanagement.
CO:2:Through this course learners will be able to know quantitative and qualitativedimensions; Job Analysis, Job Description, Job specification, Recruitment , placement andPromotion ofhuman resourceplanning.
CO:3: This course enables the students to know about Performance appraisal andPerformanceCompensation.
CO:4:Through this paper Students will get a clear concept and idea on Employee Health andSafety, Grievance-Handling and Redressal, Industrial Disputes Causes and SettlementMachinery.
CO:1:Through this paper Students will get a clear concept and idea on fundamentals ompersonalselling andthesellingprocess.
CO:3:This course familiarizes the students with the idea about buying motives; their uses inpersonalselling.
CO:4:The students through this paper get to know about sales report; Tour Diary, Daily andPeriodicalReports,Ethical AspectsofSelling.
CO:1: This course familiarizes the students with the basic mathematical tools and StatisticalTools with an emphasison applicationstobusinessandeconomicsituations.
CO:2: ThiscourseprovidesKnowledge regardingmatrixalgebra.
CO:4: This paper imparts knowledge on Measures of Central Tendency, Measures ofDispersion and Shape,CorelationandRegressionAnalysis.
CO:1:Thiscoursefamiliarizesthestudentwiththedifferentinvestmentalternatives,introduce them to the framework of their analysis and valuation and highlight the role ofinvestorprotection.
CO:1:It provides basic knowledge and equip students with application of principles andprovisionsofIncome-taxAct, 1961andGST.
CO:2:This course provides knowledge regarding income of other Persons included inAssessee’s,setoff andCarryforwardof Lossesu/s71B,72,73,74,74A.
CO:3:This Course acquaints the student with knowledge about Deduction from Gross TotalIncomeu/s80C,80CCC,80CCD,80CCE,80DD,80D,80DDB,80E,80G,80GGC,80TTA,80Uand
CO:1:Itenablethestudentstoacquiretheconcept,importanceanddynamicsofinternationalbusinessandIndia’sinvolvementwith globalbusiness.
CO:2:The course also seeks to provide theoretical foundations of international business totheextentthese arerelevanttotheglobalbusinessoperationsanddevelopments.
CO:3: This course impart knowledge to the learners regarding International organisation andArrangementsuchasWTO,UNCTAD,OPEC,IMFand World Bank&ASEANand SAARC.
CO:4:The outcome of this course is to help the students acquire knowledge about ExportPromotionMeasureincludingSpecialEconomicZones(SEZs)andExportOrientedUnits(EOUs)
CO:2: This course provides knowledge regarding meaning core elements, Objectives, andScopes offinancialManagement
CO:3:Through this paper the students will come to know the role of financial manager,Concept of TimeValue ofMoney,andalsoTechniques fordealing withTime Value ofMoney.
CO:4:The Course Enable the students to know about Sources of Finance, Cost of Capital andCapitalStructureAnalysis.
CO:5: This Course acquaints the student with knowledge of Capital Budgeting Decision,WorkingCapitalManagementandDividendDecisions.